The XTRAINING is a functional training of high intensity, where the large muscle groups are worked by stations with high loads and small pauses between exercises with the aim of increasing the metabolic process for the constant burning of fat in an effective way.

The circuit is composed of the exercises that we have been explaining in the previous entries, so we already know its correct execution and avoid possible injuries.

In the presentation that you have here below, the composition and duration of each exercise is explained in detail, as well as the breaks between them.

I hope you like it, let’s go warriors!


Swimming To Improve Our Aerobic Endurance

Hello everyone, today we will see a special endurance training for those who like to go to the pool.

The training consists in doing sets of 50 meters swimming without stopping, in each series we will be doing less repetitions until we finish, each one can swim the style he wants, but for people who have not swum a lot, it is better to do it in the style of Crol.

We have to rest a minute between sets and the training would be like this:

6×50, 6 repetitions of 50 meters swimming

5×50, 5repetitions of 50 meters swimming

4×50, 4 repetitions of 50 meters swimming

3×50, 3 repetitions of 50 meters swimming

2×50, 2 repetitions of 50 meters swimming

1×50, 1 repetitions of 50 meters swimming

This is a different type of training that can help us to improve our aerobic endurance, I hope you like it.


Hello boys and girls!! Do you want to assess your flexibility but you don’t know how to do it?

Don’t worry! Because today I am going to show you two of the most common tests to measure the lower back and hamstrings flexibility.

These are the sit and reach test and the toe touch test. And I am going to explain you these tests in the PDF link you got below. I hope it is usefull for you and if you like the post, like it!! THAN YOU!!

Triceps extension

Hi everyone!

Today I will explain you how to properly perform a very interesting exercise focused on arms, specifically the triceps, which is more active exercise.

To do so, we are only going to need the following: one water jugs of 5/6/8 liters depending on the weight we are able to move and a towel.

In this view, in order to make it clear regarding which is the technique and the correct execution of this exercise, I will share with all of you a Youtube video in which we will have a visual example so that it is much more easy for you to put it into practice.

This exercise is called triceps extension with weight:

In the first shot of the video you will see how I execute the unilateral triceps extension with both arms. It’s important to keep the knees slightly bent and the back straight to perform the technique well.

Another alternative that can be observed in the video to perform this exercise is doing it with both arms at the same time. In order to perform the exercise correctly, we must, as we have said before, the back straight and the knees slightly bent. In this way we can work both arms and both triceps at the same time.

I hope you enjoy and like the content of this post. Please, feel free to leave any doubt, piece of advice or recommendation in the comments below. See you in the next post!


Hello, today I will explain a new exercise, the mountain climber.

Go for it!!

Hands resting on the ground. The left leg fully extended and the right leg bent forward.

With an explosive jump, change the position of the legs bringing the left knee to the chest.

With another jump, return to the starting position.

You should avoid raising your glutes a lot during the jump.

Below, I enclose a file where you can study mountain climber more thoroughly.

Biceps curl

Hi everyone!

Today I will explain you how to properly perform a very interesting exercise focused on arms, specifically the biceps, which is more active exercise.

To do so, we are only going to need the following: one water jugs of 5/6/8 liters depending on the weight we are able to move and a towel.

In this view, in order to make it clear regarding which is the technique and the correct execution of this exercise, I will share with all of you a Youtube video in which we will have a visual example so that it is much more easy for you to put it into practice.

This exercise is called biceps curl with weight:

In the first shot of the video you will see how I execute the unilateral curl biceps with both arms. It’s important to have a comfortable posture when performing the exercise to avoid possible discomfort or injury.

Another alternative to perform the exercise would be what we can observe in the second shot, where we see how the biceps curl technique is done with the two arms. Here it is important that the arms do not detach from the body to perform a correct technique.

I hope you enjoy and like the content of this post. Please, feel free to leave any doubt, piece of advice or recommendation in the comments below. See you in the next post!


Hello everyone, today we are going to see an endurance training method that is based on running on slope.

I’m going to show you some options on how we can carry out this training.

First option; 4 sets of 8-10 repetitions of progressive speed outputs of about 20 meters, walking back.

Second option: 8 sets of 6 repetitions, sprint between 85-90% of the maximum intensity of 5 meters, walking back.

Third option: contiuous run in slope, 2.5 minute sets running at a good pace, resting 1 minute between sets, making 10 sets.

Here I leave a ppt where you can see the benefits of performing this type of training. I hope you will enjoy this post!

PNF for lower body

Good evening everyone!! Now it is time for other group of muscles to be stretched by the PNF technique.

In the previous post we learned two PNF stretechings for the upper body, but what about the lower body? Here you are the answer with 6 new stretchings!!

Like other times, I am going to talk about PNF stretchings for the lower body in the link below. Hope you all enjoy it, and if you like the post let me know!! Thank yoooouuuuu.


Squat jump with weight

Hi everyone!

Today I will explain you how to properly perform a very interesting exercise focused on legs, specifically the quadriceps, which is more active exercise.

To do so, we are only going to need the following: two water jugs of 5/6/8 liters depending on the weight we are able to move.

In this view, in order to make it clear regarding which is the technique and the correct execution of this exercise, I will share with all of you a Youtube video in which we will have a visual example so that it is much more easy for you to put it into practice.

This exercise is called squat jump with weight:

To perform this exercise we will stand in a straight position with the weight attached to the body at the same time that we are doing squats taking impulse to make a jump on the rise. The exercise will be done with the bottle stuck to the body, thus preventing possible imbalances.

If we see that this exercise is very difficult to introduce in our training, we can do squats in isometric with load, regulating the working time to be able to perform between 4 and 6 series.

I hope you enjoy and like the content of this post. Please, feel free to leave any doubt, piece of advice or recommendation in the comments below. See you in the next post!

Plyometric Training To Improve Our Endurance

Today we are going to speak about plyometric training to improve our endurance

Plyometric training is a training of endurance and strength at the same time, based on explosive, fast and powerful movement

It is indicated for anyone with a certain physical level

Now I will show you a circuit of basic plyometrics exercises:

1º Vertical jump with feet together

2º One leg skipping

3º Vertical jump without impulse

4º Lateral jumps

5º Jump forward

6º Box jump

We have to do 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions of each.

In the next video you can see how we have to do the different exercises in order.