Hello boys and girls!! Do you want to assess your flexibility but you don’t know how to do it?

Don’t worry! Because today I am going to show you two of the most common tests to measure the lower back and hamstrings flexibility.

These are the sit and reach test and the toe touch test. And I am going to explain you these tests in the PDF link you got below. I hope it is usefull for you and if you like the post, like it!! THAN YOU!!

PNF for lower body

Good evening everyone!! Now it is time for other group of muscles to be stretched by the PNF technique.

In the previous post we learned two PNF stretechings for the upper body, but what about the lower body? Here you are the answer with 6 new stretchings!!

Like other times, I am going to talk about PNF stretchings for the lower body in the link below. Hope you all enjoy it, and if you like the post let me know!! Thank yoooouuuuu.

PNF for upper body

Hello everyone!! In this post I am going to talk about a new stretching technique the PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation).

This is a passive stretching, so you need a coach or a
physiotherapist to carry it out.

I am telling you more information about the PNF stretching in the following link. I hope it is very usefull for all of you! Thank you for all your support! See you!!


Good afternoon everybody!! Today it is time to talk about the lower body ballistic stretching.

In the previous post we explained the upper body ballistic stretching, but now it is time for the leg muscles!

As in the previous post, this one is going to show you all the information in the following link. So I really hope you all enjoy it, and if you like let me know. THANK YOU!!


Hello everyone!! Today I want to introduce you a new type of stretching, the ballistic stretching.

In this stretching, you must perform your movements with a high speed and with the full range of motion.

But I am going to explain it better, particularly the upper body ballistic stretching, in the following link.

I hope you all like the information!! Let me know if you like my posts. Thank you so much!! See you!!


Good morning everyone!! Today I woke up with enthusiasm of talking to you about this matter, the lower body dynamic stretching!

As we know, the dynamic stretching is very useful and secure for any kind of sport, and in this post I am going to explain you this type of stretching for the lower body muscles.

But this time, like in the previous post, I am going to talk about this stretching in a PDF document, so… here you are!!

I hope you really enjoy the post and learn about it. See you!!


Good night everyone!! Today, I would like to talk you about other type of stretching, the dynamic stretching.

Dynamic stretching es more active than static stretching, but this time I am going to explain it to you in a PDF document.

So, here you are!! I hope you enjoy the post and I hope it to be very useful for you. Thank you for all your support!!


Hello partners! In the previous post, we saw the upper body static stretching, but this time we are going to talk about this kind of stretching in the lower body.

As we know, the static stretching consists in an elongation of a particular muscle or group of muscles to the maximum point that they can and keep it in that position during a number of seconds. In this type of stretching, the speed which the movement is going to be carried out with is not the most important thing. (Arredondo-Saldaña, n.d.)

In particular, the lower body static stretching is very important to prevent muscular injuries in calf, quadriceps, hip, hamstrings, ankle, etc.

As we learnt in the previous post, the static stretching must have a duration of 15 seconds (Thomas, Bianco, Paoli, & Palma, 2018). In the following video, we are able to see the best exercises for lower body static stretching.


Arredondo-Saldaña, J. (n.d.). Ejercicios de estiramiento Fascitis plantar. Ortopedia- Medicina Deportiva, 3. Retrieved from

Runner, S. E. R., Principiante, O., Avanzado, M., Ocasional, E., Planificado, R., Flexibilidad, L. A., … Para, P. (2018). LA FLEXIBILIDAD.

Thomas, E., Bianco, A., Paoli, A., & Palma, A. (2018). The Relation Between Stretching Typology and Stretching Duration: The Effects on Range of Motion. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(04), 243–254.


In the static stretching, the movement and elongation of the muscular tissues occur very slowly, based on a maintained position, which means a greater safeguard for the soft tissues (M. D. Sánchez, B. de la Cruz , J. Algaba, 2012).

Several authors have pointed out the importance of the static stretching as part of sports training and sport medicine indicating that it is the most common and simple stretching method to increase the flexibility of a muscle or group of muscles (M. D. Sánchez , B. de la Cruz , J. Algaba, 2012).

The static stretching must have a duration of 15 seconds (Thomas, Bianco, Paoli, & Palma, 2018) and the best stretching exercises for the upper body are included in the following video (Arredondo-Saldaña, n.d.), (Grave, 2011), (Runner et al., n.d.):


Arredondo-Saldaña, J. (n.d.). Ejercicios de estiramiento Fascitis plantar. Ortopedia- Medicina Deportiva, 3. Retrieved from


M. D. Sánchez , B. de la Cruz , J. Algaba, M. Á. L. d y J. N. (2012). Medicina del Deporte. Rev. Andal. Med Deporte, 5(2), 53–56.

Runner, S. E. R., Principiante, O., Avanzado, M., Ocasional, E., Planificado, R., Flexibilidad, L. A., … Para, P. (n.d.). 8 02-03-18 (.

Thomas, E., Bianco, A., Paoli, A., & Palma, A. (2018). The Relation Between Stretching Typology and Stretching Duration: The Effects on Range of Motion. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(04), 243–254.



Hi everyone! I am the responsible for telling you about this matter, flexibility, the big forgotten! Yes it is, most of the athletes forget this kind of training, they practise resistance or endurance but forget to add flexibility or stretching exercises to their training.

First of all, according to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), flexibility is defined as “the range of motion of a given joint or group of joints or the level of tissue extensibility that a muscle group possesses.” . This generates several beneficts like relax your muscles and do a good cool down at the final part of your training.

This is only a letter of introduction in which I present you the flexibility training and explain that I am going to organise this category in four basic parts: static stretching, dynamic stretching, PNF stretching, ballistic stretching. Furthermore, I will write about several matters related to flexibility.

I really hope you read me and were insterested in this kind of training that is very healthy and relaxing too! I am Víctor, and I would like to help you to introduce this training in your daily life. See you on next post!