Author: Guillermo Guilló Cases

Swimming To Improve Our Aerobic Endurance

Hello everyone, today we will see a special endurance training for those who like to go to the pool.

The training consists in doing sets of 50 meters swimming without stopping, in each series we will be doing less repetitions until we finish, each one can swim the style he wants, but for people who have not swum a lot, it is better to do it in the style of Crol.

We have to rest a minute between sets and the training would be like this:

6×50, 6 repetitions of 50 meters swimming

5×50, 5repetitions of 50 meters swimming

4×50, 4 repetitions of 50 meters swimming

3×50, 3 repetitions of 50 meters swimming

2×50, 2 repetitions of 50 meters swimming

1×50, 1 repetitions of 50 meters swimming

This is a different type of training that can help us to improve our aerobic endurance, I hope you like it.


Hello everyone, today we are going to see an endurance training method that is based on running on slope.

I’m going to show you some options on how we can carry out this training.

First option; 4 sets of 8-10 repetitions of progressive speed outputs of about 20 meters, walking back.

Second option: 8 sets of 6 repetitions, sprint between 85-90% of the maximum intensity of 5 meters, walking back.

Third option: contiuous run in slope, 2.5 minute sets running at a good pace, resting 1 minute between sets, making 10 sets.

Here I leave a ppt where you can see the benefits of performing this type of training. I hope you will enjoy this post!

Plyometric Training To Improve Our Endurance

Today we are going to speak about plyometric training to improve our endurance

Plyometric training is a training of endurance and strength at the same time, based on explosive, fast and powerful movement

It is indicated for anyone with a certain physical level

Now I will show you a circuit of basic plyometrics exercises:

1º Vertical jump with feet together

2º One leg skipping

3º Vertical jump without impulse

4º Lateral jumps

5º Jump forward

6º Box jump

We have to do 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions of each.

In the next video you can see how we have to do the different exercises in order.

Aerobic Legs Circuit

Hello everyone, today I’m going to show you a new circuit model with which we can perform endurance training.

The training consists of performing 10 sets of 400 meters of running + squats, the number of squats will change in each sets, starting in 50 repetitions in the first set and ending in 5 repetitions in the last set.

In each series we will have to do 400 meters of  running and 5 squats less than in the previous set until reaching the last set.

This is a good form to train your legs, the intensity is going to depend of the level of each person.

For doing this type of training is important to have a mobile phone with a free app of sport to control distance.

I hope you will enjoy with this training!


Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about how we can train endurance through the race.

The training is based on performing continuous race sessions at different rates, the training consists of performing 10 km or 6 km, depending on your sport level.

The training consists of performing 1 km at 4 minutes 30 seconds and the next at 5 minutes 30 seconds, without stopping, working the changes of rhythm, and active rest in the kilometers of 5 minutes 30 seconds.

This training helps us if we are preparing a popular race or some race like that.

In the next ppt you can see the benefits of running. 

I hope you will enjoy with this training.


Today we are going to see an anaerobic endurance training method that we can do, at home or outside.

The training consists of stair-climbing, and we must do it by sets.

We have to do a set of 20-30 seconds of climbing stairs at a good pace, and a minute of recovery.

We have to perform 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions, in each series we have to stair-climbing 6-8 times for 30 seconds.

To see the benefits of stair climbing, I leave a pdf about benefits of stair climbing in person of medium-high age.

Legs Endurance Training

Hello everyone, today we are going to see some exercises that we can do at home to train our legs.

1ºSquat: We have to do a hip and knee flexion up to 90 degrees.

2ºSquat Jumps: We have to perform the same movement as in the squat, but performing a jump from the bending position.

3º Thruster: You have to perform a squat and flex the arms until you touch the elbows, when you return to the position of origin, the arms should be extended, you can perform with weight.

4ºLunch: It is a simple exercise, we have to take a long step forward, until the knee of the back leg touches the ground, then we return to the position of origin.

We have to do 4-6 sets of more than 12 repetitions and with these 4 exercises we can do a good leg training, the intensity will depend on each person.

Here I leave a PDF about leg training.


Hello everybody, today I am going to speak about one type of training, the fartlek, 

Fartlek is a type of training in which the set of continuous and variable methods of  endurance training are grouped.

Continuous and variable methods are those in which the execution of a type of exercise or movement is continuously maintained, but subjected to continuous variations in their level of intensity.

This variability in the efforts implies an alternation between phases of effort that are executed at a higher intensity and others performed thar are executed with less intensity.

I present to you two options to perform this training:

The first one, combining 80-90% sprint phases of my VO2 max, with race phases, without stopping, for those people who have a better level

The second, which combines phases of sprints, with phases of walking 5-10 seconds, without stopping at any time, for those with a lower level of physical condition.

I leave you some videos so you can see how this training is done, I hope you like it!

Aerobic Circuit

Hi everyone, in this post I will show you how we can training aerobic endurance at home with exercises without using any material.

The training would consist of a circuit of 6 exercises that we would have to perform for 30 seconds each, resting 20 seconds between exercises and 1 minute between sets, making a total of 3 series.

First exercise: Jumping Jacks

Jumps are made by opening and closing the legs, accompanying the movement of opening the legs with a rise of arms.

Second exercise: Mountain Climbers

In plank jacks position with extended hands and legs, we would have to bring the knees to the chest.

Third exercise: Burpees

Exercise consisting of performing a flex with jump.

Fourth exercise: High knees

Fifth exercise: Step

Exercise that consists of go up to a chair, it can be done in jump for people with a higher level

Sixth Exercise: Bear Crawl

Exercise that involves walking on hands and feet without touching the knees on the floor and trying to perform the steps with the feet without exceeding the height of the shoulders

Example of Jumping Jacks
Example of Step


Hi everyone! My name is Guillermo and I will to help you to discover different forms of doing endurance training.

We can define endurance as a one of the basic physical abilities, and this ability allows us to carry out an activity or effort for as long as possible.

When we are speaking about endurance training a lot of people think that they have to run, but there are other types of training and in this blog you will can see what types of training you can do.

We will do endurance training in house but We also will can do this type of training outdoor

The different types of training will be classified in aerobic endurance training and anaerobic endurance training

I hope you read me and you do the different training and if you want, you can write any comments about this! See you soon!!