Month: Mar 2019


Hello! In this post we will be able to see an example of a training with the aim of gaining muscle hypertrophy in the upper body.

Due to this blog consist in a training at home, the proposed exercises can be done with or without specific training material.

In this case, today’s training consists of:

-4 sets of 10 repetitions with a weight with which you can perform 12. (4x 10 (12) -Recovery 60-90 “)

– Execution speed: maximum concentric and medium-low eccentric.


1º Cross plane push  (bench press)

2º Horizontal plane pull (pull-ups)

3º Sagittal plane push (triceps)

4º Sagittal plane pull (biceps curl)

Thank you!!!

Aerobic Circuit

Hi everyone, in this post I will show you how we can training aerobic endurance at home with exercises without using any material.

The training would consist of a circuit of 6 exercises that we would have to perform for 30 seconds each, resting 20 seconds between exercises and 1 minute between sets, making a total of 3 series.

First exercise: Jumping Jacks

Jumps are made by opening and closing the legs, accompanying the movement of opening the legs with a rise of arms.

Second exercise: Mountain Climbers

In plank jacks position with extended hands and legs, we would have to bring the knees to the chest.

Third exercise: Burpees

Exercise consisting of performing a flex with jump.

Fourth exercise: High knees

Fifth exercise: Step

Exercise that consists of go up to a chair, it can be done in jump for people with a higher level

Sixth Exercise: Bear Crawl

Exercise that involves walking on hands and feet without touching the knees on the floor and trying to perform the steps with the feet without exceeding the height of the shoulders

Example of Jumping Jacks
Example of Step


Now, we will explain some exercises that you can include in your routine to lose fat mass at home.

How to do Plank Jacks?

We place ourselves in prone position, making a plank touching the floor with the elbows and with the tips of the feet, both should be aligned with the shoulders. The buttocks should be kept in the same line as the spine and the head.

Once placed, we will have to do a leg opening by making a small jump and then return to the starting position with another jump, this movement will be repeated throughout the exercise.

We have to keep the abdominal and buttocks  muscles  rigid for the correct performance of the exercise.


Hello everyone! Today we’re going to talk about different tests to assess our strength. The tests can be classified depending on the type of force that we’re going to measure:

Resistance forces:

1.Pull up or Chin up test: The aim is to measure the force-resistance of the arms and those which integrate the scapular waist. It has to be performed all the chin-ups possible, flexing the arms and emerging the counter with the chin, in 60 seconds.

2.Underlying floor test. Its aim is measuring the force-resistance from the top half of the body. It must be done all the underlying floor test possible, flexing the arms and in line with the shoulders, in 60 seconds.

3.Abdominals test. Its aim is measuring the force-resistance of the abdomen. It must be done all the abdominals possible, raising our body about 30/40 degrees from the position of the supine stander and with the legs flexed, in 60 seconds.

Income maximum dynamic strength:

1.1RM test: The purpose of the test is determinate the maximum intensity of work, expressed in kilos. To this intensity shall be recognized as 100%, and it is because of this is a single repeat. 1RM test is very intense test, not recommended for beginners or children. 

Explosive strength:

1.Squat Jump Bosco Test: The subject has to make a maximum vertical jump on the basis of the knees flexed to a 90º angle with the upper body facing straight forward and the hands placed waist-high (the jump must be done without anti move and no support of the arms). The use of strength platforms and piezoelectric tables is possible to have a relation of force-time as a result of the mechanical impulse produced, as well as the determination of the vertical speed of lift-off, therefore, the height reached by the gravity centre.

2.Counter Movement Jump of Bosco: It’s a variation on the previous idea, which anticipates the jump action of a quick move of flexion and extension of the legs starting in a position of standing. The elastic component removed previously is particularly relevant in this expression whereby obtaining increases of more than 20% above the previous test. This test assesses therefore, the exploding-elastic strength of the subject since the differences regarding the previous one is due to the return of the standard elastic elements of the muscle fibres. This difference of an order of this magnitude is named spring rate.

And that’s it for today. I hope you enjoyed it and has been helpful. See you soon!



Current evidence suggests that maximum gains in muscle hypertrophy are achieved by training regimens that produce significant metabolic stress while maintaining a moderate degree of muscle tension.

A hypertrophy-oriented program should employ a repetition range of 6–12 reps  per set with rest intervals of 60–90 seconds between sets. Exercises should be varied in a multiplanar, multiangled fashion to ensure maximal stimulation of all muscle fibers.

Multiple sets should be employed in the context of a split training routine to heighten the anabolic medium due to a greater training volumes may be beneficial in enhancing muscle growth (Schoenfeld et al., 2019), so they are recommended between 3-6 series per exercise.

Concentric repetitions should be performed at fast to moderate speeds (1–3 seconds) while eccentric repetitions should be performed at slightly slower speeds (2–4 seconds). Training should be periodized so that the hypertrophy phase culminates in a brief period of higher- volume overreaching followed by a taper to allow for optimal supercompensation.

The evidence indicates that frequencies of training twice a week promote superior hypertrophic outcomes to once a week whether training a muscle group three times per week is superior to a twice-per-week protocol remains to be determined (Schoenfeld, Ogborn, & Krieger, 2016).

In terms of intensity, the evidence recommends working in a range of 70-85% of 1RM to obtain benefits in muscle hypertrophy. However, because we will work at home, and in many cases, we will not have such high external loads, we will quantify the intensity through the Character of Effort (CE), which is the relationship between the repetitions you make and the ones you can do. In the case of hypertrophy it will be a high-maximum CE, which may be 10 (12), for example.

Finally, from 6 to 10 exercises per training session and from 2 to 4 exercises per muscle group would be adequate to obtain the greatest gains in muscle hypertrophy.

Schoenfeld, B. J., Contreras, B., Krieger, J., Grgic, J., Delcastillo, K., Belliard, R., & Alto, A. (2019). Resistance Training Volume Enhances Muscle Hypertrophy but Not Strength in Trained Men. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 51(1), 94–103.

Schoenfeld, B. J., Ogborn, D., & Krieger, J. W. (2016). Effects of Resistance Training Frequency on Measures of Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Medicine, 46(11), 1689–1697.