Author: Jorge Serrano Vidal

Triceps extension

Hi everyone!

Today I will explain you how to properly perform a very interesting exercise focused on arms, specifically the triceps, which is more active exercise.

To do so, we are only going to need the following: one water jugs of 5/6/8 liters depending on the weight we are able to move and a towel.

In this view, in order to make it clear regarding which is the technique and the correct execution of this exercise, I will share with all of you a Youtube video in which we will have a visual example so that it is much more easy for you to put it into practice.

This exercise is called triceps extension with weight:

In the first shot of the video you will see how I execute the unilateral triceps extension with both arms. It’s important to keep the knees slightly bent and the back straight to perform the technique well.

Another alternative that can be observed in the video to perform this exercise is doing it with both arms at the same time. In order to perform the exercise correctly, we must, as we have said before, the back straight and the knees slightly bent. In this way we can work both arms and both triceps at the same time.

I hope you enjoy and like the content of this post. Please, feel free to leave any doubt, piece of advice or recommendation in the comments below. See you in the next post!

Biceps curl

Hi everyone!

Today I will explain you how to properly perform a very interesting exercise focused on arms, specifically the biceps, which is more active exercise.

To do so, we are only going to need the following: one water jugs of 5/6/8 liters depending on the weight we are able to move and a towel.

In this view, in order to make it clear regarding which is the technique and the correct execution of this exercise, I will share with all of you a Youtube video in which we will have a visual example so that it is much more easy for you to put it into practice.

This exercise is called biceps curl with weight:

In the first shot of the video you will see how I execute the unilateral curl biceps with both arms. It’s important to have a comfortable posture when performing the exercise to avoid possible discomfort or injury.

Another alternative to perform the exercise would be what we can observe in the second shot, where we see how the biceps curl technique is done with the two arms. Here it is important that the arms do not detach from the body to perform a correct technique.

I hope you enjoy and like the content of this post. Please, feel free to leave any doubt, piece of advice or recommendation in the comments below. See you in the next post!

Squat jump with weight

Hi everyone!

Today I will explain you how to properly perform a very interesting exercise focused on legs, specifically the quadriceps, which is more active exercise.

To do so, we are only going to need the following: two water jugs of 5/6/8 liters depending on the weight we are able to move.

In this view, in order to make it clear regarding which is the technique and the correct execution of this exercise, I will share with all of you a Youtube video in which we will have a visual example so that it is much more easy for you to put it into practice.

This exercise is called squat jump with weight:

To perform this exercise we will stand in a straight position with the weight attached to the body at the same time that we are doing squats taking impulse to make a jump on the rise. The exercise will be done with the bottle stuck to the body, thus preventing possible imbalances.

If we see that this exercise is very difficult to introduce in our training, we can do squats in isometric with load, regulating the working time to be able to perform between 4 and 6 series.

I hope you enjoy and like the content of this post. Please, feel free to leave any doubt, piece of advice or recommendation in the comments below. See you in the next post!

Triceps pressdown

Hi everyone!

Today I will explain you how to properly perform a very interesting exercise focused on arms, specifically the triceps, which is dynamic as well as difficult.

To do so, we are only going to need the following: one water jugs of 5/6/8 liters depending on the weight we are able to move, a chair and a table.

In this view, in order to make it clear regarding which is the technique and the correct execution of this exercise, I will share with all of you a Youtube video in which we will have a visual example so that it is much more easy for you to put it into practice.

This exercise is called triceps pressdown with inclination, and we will perform it taking two variants into account:

In the first shot of the video you will see how I execute the triceps pressdown with the slight inclination that the chair  proportionates (you can also use a table, for example).

In the second part we will introduce the first variant consisting in adding a double inclination, since our feet, instead of being placed on the ground, will be supported on a table, a fact that will make the exercise more difficult to be carried out.

However, if you have not sweat a lot yet, which may be rare, you can still introduce a second variant.  This will consist in adding a jug of water placing it on your legs so that the extension of the triceps is harder.

I hope you enjoy and like the content of this post. Please, feel free to leave any doubt, piece of advice or recommendation in the comments below. See you in the next post!

Leg training

Hello everyone!

Let’s move on to another, the action. We’re going to realise leg strength training at home. To this end, the only material that we’re going to need will be two jugs of water of 5/6/8 litres, depending on the weight that we’re going to move.

As we said in the first post that we posted, this training session will exercise without the need for sophisticated, expensive or very difficult materials that can only be found at gyms or in a high-performance centre. We’re going to do the training with simple, homemade and easily found materials.

Today I will share the information through a PDF document that I leave then. I hope that you like it and helps you to realise a good legwork. Any questions, advice or recommendation can be left in the comments. See you in the next post! Greetings!

Arms training

Hi everyone! 

Today we are going to carry out a training focused on exercising the strength of arms at home.  To do so, we are only going to need the following: two water jugs of 5/6/8 liters depending on the weight we are able to move, and a towel.

In this view, I will post and share all this information through the Google Docs’ document left below.  I hope you enjoy it at the same time that can help you to exercise your arms efficiently.  Please, feel free to leave any comments regarding doubts, pieces of advice or recommendations. 

See you in the next post, kind regards.

Arms training

Hello everyone!

Today we’re going to prepare a strength training of arms at home. To that end, the only material that we’re going to use are two water jugs of 5/6/8 litres depending on the weight that we’re going to move, one chair and a towel.

This time I will post and share all the previous information in a Google Docs’ document left below. I hope that you like it and helps you to realise a good legwork. Any questions, advice or recommendation can be left in the comments.

See you in the next post! Greetings!

Core training

Hi everyone! 

Today we are going to carry out a training focused on exercising the core at home. To do this, a mat is needed in order to be more comfortable as well as avoiding any possible pain in the back, when performing the exercises.

Today’s training will be divided in different series of plank combined, at the same time, with an oblique work to tone our core. For this purpose, we will do 4 repetitions for each of the 4 sets of the exercises.

In this view, I will post and share all the previous information in a PDF document left below. I hope you enjoy and like the content of this post so as to help you to do a good core workout. Please, feel free to leave any doubt, piece of advice or recommendation in the comments below. 


Hello everyone! Today we’re going to talk about different tests to assess our strength. The tests can be classified depending on the type of force that we’re going to measure:

Resistance forces:

1.Pull up or Chin up test: The aim is to measure the force-resistance of the arms and those which integrate the scapular waist. It has to be performed all the chin-ups possible, flexing the arms and emerging the counter with the chin, in 60 seconds.

2.Underlying floor test. Its aim is measuring the force-resistance from the top half of the body. It must be done all the underlying floor test possible, flexing the arms and in line with the shoulders, in 60 seconds.

3.Abdominals test. Its aim is measuring the force-resistance of the abdomen. It must be done all the abdominals possible, raising our body about 30/40 degrees from the position of the supine stander and with the legs flexed, in 60 seconds.

Income maximum dynamic strength:

1.1RM test: The purpose of the test is determinate the maximum intensity of work, expressed in kilos. To this intensity shall be recognized as 100%, and it is because of this is a single repeat. 1RM test is very intense test, not recommended for beginners or children. 

Explosive strength:

1.Squat Jump Bosco Test: The subject has to make a maximum vertical jump on the basis of the knees flexed to a 90º angle with the upper body facing straight forward and the hands placed waist-high (the jump must be done without anti move and no support of the arms). The use of strength platforms and piezoelectric tables is possible to have a relation of force-time as a result of the mechanical impulse produced, as well as the determination of the vertical speed of lift-off, therefore, the height reached by the gravity centre.

2.Counter Movement Jump of Bosco: It’s a variation on the previous idea, which anticipates the jump action of a quick move of flexion and extension of the legs starting in a position of standing. The elastic component removed previously is particularly relevant in this expression whereby obtaining increases of more than 20% above the previous test. This test assesses therefore, the exploding-elastic strength of the subject since the differences regarding the previous one is due to the return of the standard elastic elements of the muscle fibres. This difference of an order of this magnitude is named spring rate.

And that’s it for today. I hope you enjoyed it and has been helpful. See you soon!


Hi everyone! I am Jorge Serrano and I will be the one in charge of showing you how to work and improve your strength through a set of easy physical exercises. For this purpose, I am going to approach the idea without the necessity of attending a gym or purchasing any equipment as we are focusing on exercises at home with either basic equipment such as elastic band or cufflinks, or homemade one, such as towels, bottles of water or chairs, among others. Basically, in this post, I aim to provide some general information about the ‘strength’ topic.

First of all, I would like to start with the definition of strength since it is the physical capacity of the human being which allows the person to overcome an opposition as well as stand against it through a muscle tension effort. Generally, there are a lot of physiological factors that intervene in the strength such as the muscle´s temperature, the training status, the muscular fatigue and the intermuscular coordination, for instance.

Following this line of reasoning, strength can be classified into two types:

1.Dynamic strength: exercises in which muscle length is modified. In this view, depending on whether the muscle is shortened or lengthened, we will be talking about concentric or eccentric dynamic strength.

2.Static or Isometric strength: it seeks to increase muscle tension and maintain it for a period of time by contracting the muscle without shortening (it). It is recommended not to exceed 6 seconds and 10 continuous minutes, ending the training with adequate stretching.

In addition, it is worth noting the different strength´s manifestations, which may be:

1.Resistance strength: the ability of the neuromuscular system to support fatigue in short, medium or long duration efforts.

2.Maximum strength: greater expression of strength that the neuromuscular system can apply to a certain resistance. It can be static or dynamic.

3.Explosive strength: the ability of the neuromuscular system to generate a high speed of contraction when facing certain resistance. It can be explosive-elastic or explosive-reactive.

I hope you like this post and you are looking for our new and future publications. See you soon!!