Author: Iván Esteve Simón


The XTRAINING is a functional training of high intensity, where the large muscle groups are worked by stations with high loads and small pauses between exercises with the aim of increasing the metabolic process for the constant burning of fat in an effective way.

The circuit is composed of the exercises that we have been explaining in the previous entries, so we already know its correct execution and avoid possible injuries.

In the presentation that you have here below, the composition and duration of each exercise is explained in detail, as well as the breaks between them.

I hope you like it, let’s go warriors!


Hello, today I will explain a new exercise, the mountain climber.

Go for it!!

Hands resting on the ground. The left leg fully extended and the right leg bent forward.

With an explosive jump, change the position of the legs bringing the left knee to the chest.

With another jump, return to the starting position.

You should avoid raising your glutes a lot during the jump.

Below, I enclose a file where you can study mountain climber more thoroughly.

The difference between losing weight or losing fat

People confuse the terms lose fat and lose weight, for example you can lose weight and not lose fat. For this reason it is very important to avoid miracle diets, which sell us the idea that we can lose a lot of weight very easily in a short time, this causes us to lose muscle or even bone density putting our health at risk.

Our goal should be long-term and we will only achieve it by carrying out a good diet and a good physical activity routine.

Another thing that can confuse us is our level of fluid in the body, with liquid retentions our weight can vary by 1kg in a single day!

Below I attach some slides with foods that contain a high amount of fat and others that contain little fat, I hope it works!


Hello everyone, today we will add a new exercise to our routine, the frog pump!

The frog pump is an exercise to work the glutes and then
I will explain the basic technique to do it correctly.
We support our scapulae and elbows on the floor, we put one sole of the foot next to the other and perform a hip lift by contracting the buttocks as much as possible.
It is important to look to the front and look up, placing the chin near the chest.


The burpee is one of the most complete exercises because it involves several muscle groups. This is an ideal exercise to burn calories and therefore to lose fat.

The burpee step by step:

-We perform a knee flexion, and adopt a position supporting the hands and the tip of the feet on the floor.

-We jump and carry our legs back, without taking our hands off the ground. In this position legs and arms should be fully extended.

-The next step is to perform a complete flexion of arms, the chest should be a few centimeters from the floor.

– We return to make a jump with the legs forward without taking off their hands from the ground.

– Once placed in the initial position, we perform a vertical jump.

-When we fall from the jump we perform a knee bend to return to the initial position.

Thank you very much for your attention, I hope you can use this publication to achieve your goal.



We will begin by advancing one leg, always keeping the trunk erect.

Once in this position we will make a small jump and the most delayed leg will be in front and the most advanced will be behind.

A deep stride is made where the knee almost touches the ground, and we only support the toe of those feet.

On the other hand a knee flexion of 90 degrees with the most advanced leg will be performed.

It is very important that the knee and the foot of the most advanced leg are aligned and the arms perform the movement opposite to that of the legs.


Benefits of losing body fat

Hello everyone in this publication I will tell you some benefits associated with the loss of body fat.

If our percentage of fat is high the risk of heart disease is much higher due to the blockage of the arteries, so losing fat would improve our heart health.

We will also enjoy strong bones,  if we have more fat mass, our less bone density decrease and we have more chances of our bones breaking.

Reduces de risk of cáncer and improves the sexual life of men, they enjoy better erectile health

.Finally say that the mood improves, this helps reduce the hormone cortisol and reduce stress.

I hope these benefits help you to realize the importance of losing body fat and continue training hard to get it !!


Hello, we continue with the planks exercises, it´s the turn of plank shoulder taps!!

How to do?

-Start in high plank with your hands and the tips of the feet touching the floor.

-Tap your right hand to your left shoulder while engaging your core and glutes to keep your hips as still as possible.

-Then do the same with your left hand to your right shoulder. That’s one rep.

Below, I attach a pdf file in wich you can obtain more information about high-intensity intermittent exercise or high-intensity interval training and fat loss. The author of this article is Stephen H. Boutcher, of the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.


Now, we will explain some exercises that you can include in your routine to lose fat mass at home.

How to do Plank Jacks?

We place ourselves in prone position, making a plank touching the floor with the elbows and with the tips of the feet, both should be aligned with the shoulders. The buttocks should be kept in the same line as the spine and the head.

Once placed, we will have to do a leg opening by making a small jump and then return to the starting position with another jump, this movement will be repeated throughout the exercise.

We have to keep the abdominal and buttocks  muscles  rigid for the correct performance of the exercise.


INTRODUCTION: In this post we will explain different ways to burn fat mass at home, through physical activity. You can save time while training at home!

HIGH-INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING (HIIT): This training methodology is  based on high intensity intervals (100%) and short recovery time. The are many benefits: increased metabolism, higher VO2, muscular improvement, your caloric expenditure shoots up …
We will do the training and for 24 / 48h our body will still be recovering from the effort and therefore burning fat mass.

1.TABATA:  The Tabata method consists in performing 8 series of 20 seconds each, trying to get the highest number of repetitions in this time, with 10 seconds of rest between them.

2. EMOM (Every minute on the minute): Perform a number of repetitions in one minute, resting until the minute is reached. At the beginning of the next minute, repeat the exercise and once finished, rest until the end of that minute.

3. WHEEL: Do each exercise for 30 seconds, resting 15 seconds but always going through a main exercise that will be repeated after each exercise.

It is about creating a circuit and taking turns with each circuit, for example, doing 10 repetitions of each station and without rest between them. We can make one minute break at the completion of each round and the laps depends of the level.