1.Be a “low responder”. This is a person who has difficulty building their muscle mass because of their genetics and the type of majority fibers they have (there are slow fibers and fast fibers, as we comment in previous posts)

2.You may be stuck in your training and need to use a different method of overload to cause more muscle growth. It is necessary to combine programs of pure muscle hypertrophy (70-80% with 6 to 12 repetitions) with others of maximum strength (85-90% con 3 a 5 repetitions).

3.Your diet is not adequate to achieve good muscle development. You need to be hypercaloric with a sufficient supply of nutrients, proteins, complex carbohydrates and polyunsaturated fats of the Omega-3 type. Because of this, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain large gains in muscle mass without a hypercaloric diet.

4.You need sleep more. The greatest anabolic newspaper of an athlete for building muscle tissue occurs during sleep. It generates a great anabolic hormonal discharge (Testosterone and Growth Hormone) and recovery of training. Sleeping at least 8 hours (minimum 7 hours) is an intelligent way, not only to take care of yourself, but also to make your work in the gym more efficient.

5.Finally, you must be very clear about your main objective, be strong (Powerlifter), be big (Bodybuilder), be explosive (weightlifter), be functional (athlete), or have a more balanced physical (Fitness). The body works much better and is more efficient when it is directed to only one objective at a time.

Del Castillo, J. (2015). Vitónica. Recuperado de: https://www.vitonica.com/

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