Day: Feb 27, 2019


Hi everyone! I am Jorge Serrano and I will be the one in charge of showing you how to work and improve your strength through a set of easy physical exercises. For this purpose, I am going to approach the idea without the necessity of attending a gym or purchasing any equipment as we are focusing on exercises at home with either basic equipment such as elastic band or cufflinks, or homemade one, such as towels, bottles of water or chairs, among others. Basically, in this post, I aim to provide some general information about the ‘strength’ topic.

First of all, I would like to start with the definition of strength since it is the physical capacity of the human being which allows the person to overcome an opposition as well as stand against it through a muscle tension effort. Generally, there are a lot of physiological factors that intervene in the strength such as the muscle´s temperature, the training status, the muscular fatigue and the intermuscular coordination, for instance.

Following this line of reasoning, strength can be classified into two types:

1.Dynamic strength: exercises in which muscle length is modified. In this view, depending on whether the muscle is shortened or lengthened, we will be talking about concentric or eccentric dynamic strength.

2.Static or Isometric strength: it seeks to increase muscle tension and maintain it for a period of time by contracting the muscle without shortening (it). It is recommended not to exceed 6 seconds and 10 continuous minutes, ending the training with adequate stretching.

In addition, it is worth noting the different strength´s manifestations, which may be:

1.Resistance strength: the ability of the neuromuscular system to support fatigue in short, medium or long duration efforts.

2.Maximum strength: greater expression of strength that the neuromuscular system can apply to a certain resistance. It can be static or dynamic.

3.Explosive strength: the ability of the neuromuscular system to generate a high speed of contraction when facing certain resistance. It can be explosive-elastic or explosive-reactive.

I hope you like this post and you are looking for our new and future publications. See you soon!!